What Elves Eat - Out Now!

What Elves Eat - Out Now! - Hi bertemu lagi dengan saya di tempat berbagi Chord Gitar Indonesia, Pada kesempatan kalini saya akan berbagi Kunci gitar yang berjudul What Elves Eat - Out Now!, saya telah menyediakan lirik lagu lengkap dengan chord gitarnya dari awal lagi sampai akhir lagu. mudah-mudahan isi postingan kunci gitar yang saya tulis ini mudah untuk di pahami oleh kalian dan semoga bermanfaat juga. oke langsung saja ini chord gitar nya.

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What Elves Eat - Out Now!

What Elves Eat, my male/male erotic fantasy story, is out now at Changeling Press. This is my first foray into writing manlove, so if you like m/m with a touch of fantasy, you'll love this one! Here's the blurb:


Elorien is the most beautiful elf in Faerie. When his best friend Guntoras returns from the World claiming he has seen someone more beautiful than he, Elorien is incensed. He offends Queen Elucinara, who sends him on a quest to find the human and judge for himself who is the more beautiful of the two.

Dario is a movie star who is starting to feel repulsed by the back-stabbing machinations of Hollywood. When Elorien appears at his fancy dress party, everyone believes him to be a hired look a like. But Elorien and Dario soon overcome their initial shock and give in to a mutual attraction that blazes into a passionate relationship.

Struggling with hordes of paparazzi, an egomaniacal popstar girlfriend, and Elorien’s own quest for Queen Elucinara, can their growing love be anything more than a fleeting affair?

Read an excerpt or Buy Now

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